Central Composition
Central composition is the simplest one of all. It's less, which in some cases turns out to be more. Central composition is often calm, static, honest. By composing your subject in the center, you are basically placing him in front of the viewer as if attempting to introduce them. It's… open, as in “an open book”.
Triangle Composition
To enhance a feeling of strength. In construction, triangles are the strongest shape because any force is evenly spread through all three sides. Take the Egyptian pyramids or a roof on a house – They are made of triangles. Subconsciously our brains associate triangles to strength.
Overall Composition
Is recognizable by there not being a composition. The subject is placed allover the frame and most of the times is used as background.
Diagonal Composition
Diagonal lines in paintings are great for creating a dynamic design. They create tension, and thus a visual interest, in a painting that is different from horizontal and vertical lines.
Asymmetric Composition
Symmetric Composition
End product
This is my finished composition painting. The composition contains different items and the two main are in my eyes polar opposites that are why I chose them, a sunflower and a skull. The sunflower stem wrapped around the candle. I chose those three items also because they represent a part of me,the yellow and happiness of the sunflower, the skull as more the other side of me plus the music listen to and the candle represents life.
I think my end product was almost what I had in mind. It isn't perfect because of my planning. I thought, for example, painting the flowers on top of the skull took way more time than I expected. This was the same problem with the sunflower. The colour scheme are my favourite colours combined so I think that turned out excellent. I could have made more contrast with the pencil part.