Concept &
The start of the project was with me brainstorming and thinking of what I could make that had something to do with 'mediawijsheid'. My first ideas were me making and perfecting sims characters in the eyes of the public and giving them perfect lives. My other idea was to draw objects (Motorcycles, private planes, more friends) and in a speech bubble to show what kind of effect they would have on your social media following. While I was still brainstorming my own idea, I talked to Roos, she had almost the same idea. Because it was going to be a lot of work we decided to team up and combine our projects/ideas together. We determined that we would use Roos' face for all the pictures and I would make the photographs because I have a camera, and I like taking pictures. We first wanted to photoshop everything but photoshopping hair turned out way more difficult than expected and ended up looking fake everytime we tried a new application so we decided to get a wig of Ali Express to make it look more real. We wanted to make Roos a ginger because that is the opposite of what she looks like now and we thought red hair would look beautiful together with her edited green eyes. The complete look was green eyes, faux freckles, and red hair. Her alter ego name: Skye Rosemary. Travel influencer and a model. The kind of person almost everyone would want to be. We chose her to be a model because models are most of the times referred to as the most perfect people with their beautiful pictures and healthy lifestyle. This is also a very good example of fake media because models are most of the times also not that perfect. Their pictures have been photoshopped and are looked over a hundred times before posting it with a caption that has been thought of for a very long time. Underneath you can see the results of the transformation and how it looks on Instagram.
Most of the time the transformation from Roos to Skye Rosemary much longer than we thought it would've. After we had transformed Roos we would usually go and take pictures immediately. This was the third shoot so we knew what kind of photos we didn't have yet and we tried to make those. Lastly, we would evaluate the photos, I would share them with Roos and then we started to throw away the bad ones. (@skye.rosemary)
We started our research by looking at conspiracy theories on youtube and studying @lil.miquela 's pictures closer and searching for good free photoshop applications.
End Project
Below you can see the end project. We got 113 followers in 2 and a half months. We are really happy about the results and got some really great responses. In the beginning almost all out likes were from people we know but now we get comments and DM's from strange people who love our page and photos. I think we can safely say that the project has turned out very successful. Most of our followers really believe us and we never got a comment or DM that we were fake.
Our plan was to let Roos edit and post on the pictures. And to let me make the pictures and descriptions for the photos. We wanted to post at least 6 times a week within the description. Next to this text you can see the document we created together before we started making pictures. We thought it would be much easier if put our ideas in a document instead of on paper because then it would be hard to work on it on the same time.
Working Together
Working together went well. The only negative point about working together with pictures is that maybe the other person really likes a picture but the other person just thinks it looks fake. This happened a couple times but each time it happened we did post something after we chose a picture together. I learned that talking about it is the best thing to do and that you need to cling to one picture because there are a lot of other beautiful ones that you may be both like.